10 Worst Film Couples Of The Last 20 Years

6. Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston - Just Go With It

Fifty Shades Freed Dakota Johnson Jamie Dornan
Columbia Pictures

No, Adam, I will not "just go with it." If anything, I will go far, far away from it. Just like your leading lady did.

It's difficult to find a woman that Adam Sandler meshes well with in a semi-romantic situation whose name doesn't rhyme with Shmu Shmarryshmore. Many terrific, respected actresses have stepped up to the plate to try to polish Sandler's metaphorical (and possibly literal) turd, but few have had much success.

Still, at least the likes of Winona Ryder and Joey Lauren Adams gave it their best shot. Jennifer Aniston decided to take a much different approach for 2011's ultra-forgettable Just Go With It: She took a mental vacation for the duration of the film's production.

How else do you explain their vacant interactions and puzzling lack of interest in reciting dialogue to each other? Besides Sandler's questionable work ethic and inability to communicate for more than two minutes without using his "dooby dooby doo" voice, that is.

If their onscreen synergy is any indication, it's entirely possible these two hated each other the moment they met and couldn't shake their mutual repulsion once the cameras were rolling.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.