10 Worst Instances Of Marvel Movies Dropping The Ball

2. The Mandarin Debacle

The biggest recent mistake Marvel made - at least as far as the fans are concerned - is the depiction of the Mandarin in Iron Man 3. In the comic books, the Mandarin is the arch-enemy of Iron Man. He is to Iron Man what the Joker is to Batman and what Lex Luthor is to Superman. An expert Chinese martial artist, so skilled is he that he is able to combat Iron Man with his bare hands. However, he also possesses ten powerful rings that each grant a different esoteric ability - telepathy, magnetic powers and elemental powers, for example. However, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he was merely presented as a character, played by a drunken British actor within the movie, who served only as a front and a decoy for the Extremis-powered Aldrich Killian. Ben Kingsley was amusing enough in the role, but it took a big steamy dump on the Mandarin's comic book legacy and Marvel should have known how terribly it was going to be received.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.