10 Worst Moments Of CGI In Jurassic World

5. Gyrosphere Pinball

For a film that's so relentlessly about reinventing the concept of the franchise for a new generation, Jurassic World is absolutely chocka with quotations of the original Jurassic Park film. The events of that film are referenced endlessly, the kids find the original site when they go off track €“ but before that, there's the gyrosphere scene. Who knows why the re-opened Jurassic World would replace the perfectly serviceable jeeps from the original (actually we do know, it's because Steven Spielberg though it would be a neat idea), but regardless of the chance the brothers go off-track and wind up in an Indominus encounter based on the T-Rex's introduction in Jurassic Park. The one change? Whilst the Indominus is after them, they also get based around by the thick-headed Ankylosaurus, and everything in that scene looks terrible. It's basically gyrosphere pinball, with the vehicle looking as artificial as one of those tiny metal balls, and the dinosaurs as convincing as those paddles are at being actual living things.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/