10 Worst Movie CGI Of 2019

7. Green Screen Outta Nowhere - The Kitchen

The Kitchen
Warner Bros.

As already mentioned, green screen compositing is a difficult art for special effects supervisors to master, but when it's done well, you don't even notice it.

Sadly when it isn't, it's an embarrassing distraction, as was the case in this past summer's mob movie clunker The Kitchen.

At almost exactly the movie's half-way point, Claire (Elisabeth Moss) mentions that a jeweller refused to pay her supposedly owed money, at which point we cut to three women walking down the street as they stumble across said jeweller's gunshot-riddled body.

Except, it's hilariously obvious the women actually shot their brief scene on a green screen and were keyed in later, because the lighting between sources doesn't match.

Furthermore, despite it clearly being a chilly day in autumnal New York, there's no sign of their clothes or hair being even faintly affected by the wind.

While you might not pick up on all this while watching the scene, your brain definitely registers that something's off about it, and that's why.

Quite why the scene couldn't be shot on location is anyone's guess, but the end result is appalling for a $38 million movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.