10 Worst Movie CGI Of 2019

8. Plastic Dreamland - Dumbo

Dumbo Dreamland

Though Tim Burton's Dumbo at least did a fantastic job bringing the adorable titular baby elephant to life, the less said about the movie's other CGI the better.

The main problem is that almost the entire movie was shot on a London soundstage rather than any tangible environments whatsoever.

The opening circus scenes, supposedly set in rural America, have a tacky, offputting digital sheen to them, never proving convincing as real locations.

But the worst offender comes later in the movie when tyrannical, ironically Walt Disney-esque entrepreneur V.A. Vandervere (Michael Keaton) takes Dumbo to the plastic-y Disneyworld stand-in Dreamland.

Though the entire point of the place is that it's supposed to be an ostentatious spectacle, almost none of what we see in Dreamland looks convincingly real.

The signs and structures all look too glossy to actually exist, and it's painfully clear that the background buildings weren't actually on set during shooting.

This has sadly been a common fault of Tim Burton's work in recent years, coinciding with the general consensus that he's lost his spark for truly imaginative - and yes, practical - filmmaking.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.