10 Worst Movie CGI Of 2021

8. The Bull Ring - Red Notice

Space Jam A New Legacy Don Cheadle

Despite rocking an estimated $200-250 million budget - and by some claims going as high as $300 million - it's absurd how mediocre most of Red Notice's CGI looks.

But there's one scene where it goes from visually unremarkable to outright hideous, and that's when reluctantly-teamed FBI Agent John Hartley (Dwayne Johnson) and master art thief Nolan Booth (Ryan Reynolds) end up running through a bull ring.

Though some of the sequence was shot in Spain, it's clear from the end result that most if not all of the shots actually featuring Johnson and Reynolds were filmed on a green screen set in Georgia.

It's never quite convincing that the two actors are in the same location as the several-hundred extras serving as spectators, but that's far from the worst VFX mistake the scene makes.

It's completely understandable that the production couldn't use a real bull for such an involved action sequence, but the real issue arrives when the bull runs into Johnson and sends him flying.

The physics of Johnson's movement are embarrassingly cartoonish - he flies through the air like an exaggerated video game ragdoll, in what could easily pass for a moment clipped from an early 2000s action film.

That a movie this expensive releasing in 2021 couldn't do better is just... wow.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.