10 Worst Movie Characters Of 2021 (So Far)

6. Evan McCauley - Infinite

Music Kate Hudson

Mark Wahlberg's new direct-to-streaming sci-fi action vehicle Infinite disappeared from the cultural conversation as fleeting as it entered it, and so you'd be forgiven for not even remembering his utter phantom of a protagonist, Evan McCauley.

On one hand the movie's got Chiwetel Ejiofor delivering a scenery-chewing villainous performance for the ages in an attempt to elevate this nonsense, while Wahlberg's McCauley is just...Mark Wahlberg doing his Mark Wahlberg thing.

Not even the actor's usual laid-back charms serve him well here, and he's perhaps never seemed more mentally checked-out and uncaring about a movie's material.

As such, audiences are unlikely to warm to the guy or find his quest to reconcile his past lives and prevent a global catastrophe much compelling at all.

When Wahlberg can't even perform the voiceover narration with a whisker of enthusiasm, it's easy to dismiss his character as a narcotised zombie.

Despite mildly intriguing hints of Evan's troubled past as a result of his ability to reincarnate, he mostly remains a bland cipher at film's end, a dollar store Neo you've probably already forgotten.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.