10 Worst Movie Scenes Of 2014 (So Far)

1. Psy Credits Cameo - The Nut Job

The Nut JobOpen Road FilmsThe Scene: After a scene set to Psy's mega-hit Gangnam Style earlier in the movie, Psy appears during the end credits in animated form, dancing around to his signature tune and interacting with the film's other characters. Why It Sucks: For starters, the pop-culture reference is at least a year too late: everyone had pretty much gotten this out of their systems by the end of 2013, so the movie feels wildly out of date to begin with. Then there's the fact that it's Psy, and nobody seriously thinks he's talented, right? This is all without even considering the fact that he was only thrown into this movie because it was co-produced in South Korea, and, well, what else do they have? Still, at least this scene has the good grace to appear at the very end of the movie, so if you're fast, you can avoid it pretty much entirely. Did we miss any of the year's worst movie moments? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.