10 Worst Movie Scenes Of 2014 (So Far)

10. Alex Murphy's "Death" - RoboCop

RobocopMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer & Columbia PicturesThe Scene: Detective Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) hears his car alarm going off outside his home, so he goes out to investigate, only for a car bomb to detonate, incapacitating him. Why It Sucks: The reasons are numerous. Due to the RoboCop remake's PG-13 rating, director José Padilha had to take Murphy out in a way that lacked the graphic, visceral shock value of Murphy's ultra-violent shooting death in the original film. A car bomb is just too clean and simple compared to that, and in addition to this, Murphy isn't even actually killed in the remake: he is catastrophically injured, though survives the attack and is then inserted into the RoboCop program. As a result, the movie's theme of identity don't seem quite as potent, nor does the trauma of Alex not simply being rescued through technology, but downright being resurrected, which in the original movie made for an obvious Jesus metaphor, which even director Paul Verhoeven confirmed was intentional. The rest of the movie admittedly isn't as bad as many hardcore RoboCop fans expected, though this scene typifies everything that's wrong with the movie tonally and commercially, and pretty much what's wrong with the whole remake/reboot culture in general.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.