10 Worst Movies Starring Wrestlers

7. Hell Comes to Frogtown

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_pBD-1P9c8 To be fair, Roddy Piper gets let off a little easier than perhaps he should because he was so much fun in John Carpenter's They Live, and also because Hell Comes to Frogtown is such a thoroughly shoddy B-movie as it stands, and apparently has no qualms about that. Basically playing a cinematic equivalent of Duke Nukem, Piper's character Sam Hell - see what they did there - is held prisoner by the women who now run the USA, and gets sent to a futuristic waste-land called Frogtown, which is presided over by malicious giant frog-men. Hell has to save the world's hottest women with whom he can help repopulate the planet, wise-cracking along the way and, of course, getting to sow his wild oats. Oh, and that's not even the best (or worst) of it; Hell can't flee from his duty because he has a giant bomb attached to his gonads, meaning that if he legs it, his privates are going to be splattered all over the place. Piper tries his hardest to make the material funny, but it really just doesn't work.
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