10 Worst Movies Starring Wrestlers

6. Tooth Fairy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqnjK79fGSw After proving to us in countless action films that he was a total badass, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson then decided to go through an extremely awkward period of his movie career in which he opted to star in countless insipid family films, such as The Game Plan, Race to Witch Mountain, and most despicably, Tooth Fairy. Rocky plays a minor league hockey player who is noted for his abrasive, aggressive playing style and also being a bit of a jackass, as he notably steals a dollar bill from under the bed of his girlfriend's daughter's pillow when she loses a tooth. This causes him to be turned into a tooth fairy, having to juggle those duties with his hockey playing, making for supposedly "hilarious" results, or so the typical PR verbiage says. Rocky is joined by a solid cast of known stars, such as Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews, Stephen Merchant and Billy Crystal, all of whom along with him are dragged into the cinematic abyss kicking and screaming by this aggressively annoying film. There's no wit, nothing unexpected happens, and yet the film went on to gross around double its budget. We're just glad that Johnson has now returned to the sorts of films he's best suited to.
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