10 Worst Movies That Hollywood Almost Made

7. Jurassic Park 4 With Human-Dino Hybrids

It has been long rumoured for years, though concept art leaked six months ago (such as above) confirmed that one of the original ideas for Jurassic Park 4 was to introduce human-dinosaur hybrids in an effort to provide a fresh injection of life into the long-stagnating series. In 2005, a writer as skilled as Oscar-winner William Monaghan (The Departed), believe it or not, wrote a script that featured the genetic experiment that led to the creation of these hybrids, who were capable of complex problem solving, and more to the point, were able to fire weapons. Oh, and each hybrid was fitted with a chip that could control the amount of adrenaline pulsing through their bodies. Way to take an already ridiculous idea and completely dive off the deep-end with it, eh? Part of me thinks that this idea was leaked just recently so that if Jurassic Park 4 ends up sucking, we'll at least appreciate they didn't go this route.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.