10 Worst PG-13 Horror Films Since 2010

7. The Vatican Tapes

Polaroid Horror

2015’s The Vatican Tapes was Hollywood’s latest effort to mine some more scares out of the Catholic Church. 

Cardinal Bruun (Peter Andersson) is called upon to help a young woman named Angela (Olivia Taylor Dudley) who has seemingly been possessed. This isn’t your average, run of the mill demon, though - the Cardinal discovers to his horror that Angela’s body is harbouring none other than the spirit of the Antichrist itself. 

Even with such cataclysmic stakes and enough religious imagery to baptise a baby in, The Vatican Tapes under-delivered in every single way. It was full to the brim with every possession and exorcism cliche imaginable, to the point where you could pretty much predict everything that was going to happen after the first 15 minutes. 

What’s more, it seemed to justify historical clerical abuse as a means of fighting the Devil, which is all sorts of messed up. 

Viewers hoping for a fresh take on this subject matter got a classless reminder that there are far better movies out there to fill this particular need - ones that won’t make you feel nearly as uncomfortable. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.