10 Worst Plot Twists In Recent Movies

7. The Baroness Is Estella's Biological Mother - Cruella

Awake Gina Rodriguez

There's surely no plot twist in media, and certainly not in properties owned by Disney, more exhaustingly overused than "the villain is secretly your parent."

Star Wars executed this twist so well that basically every single movie since that's deployed a similar reveal has felt like a pallid rip-off.

And so we have the not-bad, not-good Cruella, which overdoes it with one parent-related plot twist too many.

Mid-way through the film it's revealed that Estella/Cruella's (Emma Stone) apparently biological mother Catherine (Emily Beecham) was killed by the evil Baroness (Emma Thompson), who sicced her Dalmatians on her at a party, knocking her off a cliff.

Given that Estella had spent years assuming she caused her mother's death by attracting the attention of the Dalmatians, it's an effective twist that only heightens the Baroness' villainy.

But an additional reveal is piled on thereafter, where we find out that the Baroness was actually Estella's biological mother, who wanted to have Estella killed as a baby so she could focus on her career.

But instead, her confidante John (Mark Strong) gave young Estella to one of the Baroness' maids, Catherine, to raise as her own.

It just feels excessive and unnecessary, to create a contrived familial link between the hero and villain for the sake of lazy added melodrama. Was the Baroness really not enough of a villain already?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.