10 Worst Plot Twists In Recent Movies

6. Schenk Is The New Jigsaw - Spiral: From The Book Of Saw

Awake Gina Rodriguez

The Saw franchise is known for one thing above all others: insane, over-the-top, generally unpredictable plot twists.

Even the lesser Saw films have (mostly) managed to deliver amusingly silly twists, though the most recent entry, Spiral: From the Book of Saw, fell massively short of the mark.

Spiral's big reveal is that the new copycat Jigsaw Killer is none other than Detective William Schenk (Max Minghella), the partner of protagonist Detective Zeke Banks (Chris Rock), with Schenk believed to have been killed by Jigsaw earlier in the film.

The rationale for Schenk's decision to take up the Jigsaw mantle and target corrupt cops isn't bad - his own father was murdered by a crooked police officer - but the execution is totally predictable and lazy.

The film tries to get one over on audiences by having Schenk be "killed" by Jigsaw half-way through, but because he dies off-screen and his corpse is suspiciously skinned, it's incredibly obvious to basically any long-time fan of the series that he wasn't really dead, and therefore the likely killer.

As much as Spiral tried to position itself as a gritty soft reboot for the series, it actually delivered the weakest and most easily guessable twist of the entire franchise, which was massively disappointing given the film's huge potential to be a fresh start for Saw.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.