10 Worst Star Wars Characters

2. Battle Droids

In the original trilogy, the Rebels faced a daunting task taking on the Emperor and his vast institution. Beyond the obvious challenges of facing off against two terrifying Sith Lords, the actual army itself was bolstered by the dreaded Imperial Stormtroopers. Granted, their shooting skills were somewhat dubious and the ability of some of them to even walk through doors was challenged to say the least, but overall the Stormtroopers were solid and certainly vast in numbers. When the unified coalition of Jedi, Gungans and Clone troopers were forced into battle in the prequels, they faced the €˜terrifying€™ Battle Droids. On the surface, the concept was decent - a large army of droid soldiers, devoid of any human thought process or compassion; lethal killing machines. However, the Battle Droids left a lot to be desired. The problems with the Droids are numerous. First of all, they weren€™t exactly awe-inspiring in design. Looking more like metal beagles, they were small, frail looking machines that were easily destroyed by even the simplest of weapon. When primitive Gungan weapons are capable of taking out entire platoons of soldiers, there may be a problem. And what was with those voices? Sounding more like a teenage boy going through early puberty, their nasally intonations were far from intimidating. When given a direct order from a Battle Droid, an enemy was more likely to snort in derision than actually obey. The Battle Droids could have been an intimidating addition to Star Wars lore, but instead they go down as the second worst character in its history.
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A self professed Stephen King/Star Wars geek and pop culture neophyte, Scott tends to spend much of his time alone pondering life's greatest mysteries.....he also depends heavily on his son Liam, a great sounding board, to set him straight on Star Wars issues and gives him advice on what EXACTLY he's doing wrong.