10 Worst Superhero Movies Of The 2010s

8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Suicide Squad Joker
Sony Pictures

There are two different camps when it comes to the first two Spider-Man series’: those who love Tobey Maguire’s nerdy Peter, and those who love Andrew Garfield’s cocky Peter. One thing that both sides can agree on though is that both franchises ended horribly, and for the exact same reasons.

The 2014 sequel to the reboot series apparently learned nothing from Spider-Man 3 as it tried to cram far too many villains into the film creating a cluttered mess. The Rhino has no bearing on anything important, Green Goblin is a pale imitation of Willem Defoe’s interpretation, and Electro is one of the most pathetic villains ever conceived (“You forgot my birthday Spider-Man, you must die!”).

Aside from its cluttered story and Garfield quipping so much he could almost pass for a PG-13 Deadpool, its biggest crime is focusing more on establishing future films for an expanded universe, hence the number of villains brought in as they hoped to kick off a Sinister Six franchise, a Black Cat solo film, a Venom solo film and two more Amazing Spider-Man sequels.

Unfortunately this film flopped so hard that all plans were put on hold and reworked. And thank goodness for that, because otherwise we never would have gotten Tom Holland’s interpretation, the incredible Into The Spider-Verse animated film, as well as some others, such as....


A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!