10 Worst Things About Being A Movie Fan In 2016
6. The Internet Glorifies Nitpicking
A good film is a bit like a painting. It's the sum of many, many different brush strokes. Viewed individually, a person might notice a couple strokes are slightly off or out of place, but that's not how a painting is supposed to be viewed, up close with a magnifying glass in hand. You're supposed to stand back and take the whole thing in at once.
The same goes for films. Sometimes it's difficult to account for every little detail, but as long as the story and characters work together to create an effective experience, so what?
This is less the case in 2016. You come home from the cinema, beaming after enjoying a great film, then log onto the internet to engage in some healthy fan discussion. Within seconds of scrolling you're bombarded with minuscule criticisms, things you hadn't even noticed while watching.
That's not to say criticism is bad: it isn't. And many good films have flaws. Just be prepared upon entering any online discussion about any film released in the modern era to read dozens and dozens of flaws (some valid, some nonsensical). Sometimes it's totally maddening.