10 Worst Uwe Boll Movies Ever

6. In The Name Of The King

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q22A9aRrUIw Generally, when a bad movie is made that doesn't do well in the box office, it's not good to make two more sequels for it. From a $60 million budget, only $13 million was made off the movie and if that wasn't enough the developers of the Dungeon Siege games asked for the name to be dropped due to the bad publicity of the films. This would be enough to stop any one from working with Uwe Boll, yet people still continue to work with the man. When I first saw Jason Statham on the cast list I was intrigued, perhaps Boll had finally managed to make a good film for once. If only. In the Name of the King is nothing short of a train wreck, everything was just downright terrible. First of all, as with every other video game based film he works on, the plot has nothing to do with the game. You can't really go wrong with Dungeon Siege's simple story yet Boll decided it would be much more fun to name the film after the game and then go off on a tangent to the circle that is the story. I mean come on, how simple can a story get? Farm attacked by monsters, farmer vows vengeance and ends up saving the kingdom. It's your classic fantasy storyline that has been seen in close to every fantasy based film. Whilst I can understand wanting to do something different to the norm, I'd rather it was left to a more experienced writer and director rather than Uwe "the butcher" Boll. Secondly, the effects and monsters are just downright budget. Come on Boll, you had $60 million to work with, did you spend it all on getting Statham to work with you? When the Krug finally do appear, they seem to be more like a drunk university student in a gorilla outfit popping down to the union than the famed creatures I spent a fair amount of my childhood defeating. Apparently quite a few companies worked on the visual effects, yet bar the odd explosion here and there I didn't see anything warranting such a large budget. I can understand Boll seeing LotR making a killing and wanting to do the same, but stick to your strengths Boll and please stop butchering video game films. Stick to your horror genre and slip back into the murky depths with the rest of your films. Please, for the love of God.
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