10 Worst Ways Movie Characters Have Died In Space

5. Dying Over And Over - Solaris

Total Recall

Solaris focuses on a psychologist called Kris Kelvin travelling to a space station that neighbours an unusual world called Solaris. Kelvin discovers that if anyone comes too near the planet, it will manifest apparitions based on their subconscious desires. Latching onto Kelvin, the nebulous world conjures his wife, Hari, into being despite the fact she died a decade ago.

Not only does she act and look exactly like Hari, Kelvin can physically touch and interact with his late wife. Although one would assume this moment has the potential of being a happy reunion, Kelvin is dismayed by the encounter. He refuses to acknowledge the manifestation of Hari is real and so, ejects her from an airlock, killing her.

However, Solaris brings Hari back, causing her and Kelvin to suffer further psychological anguish. Acknowledging she should be dead, Hari takes her own life by drinking liquid nitrogen. As she is painfully resurrected minutes later, Hari realises that there's no easy way to kill herself. It's genuinely hard to decide what fate is worse - learning that you are not real or discovering you can never truly die.


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