5. "Deadpool" Has No Mouth - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-Men Origins: Wolverine was an absolute failure of a film, criticised largely for how poorly it bungled the character of Deadpool, a comic book fan favourite and one who many thought Ryan Reynolds would do superb justice to. However, Reynolds never really got the chance; he shines briefly as the motormouth alias Wade Wilson, but the film takes massive liberties with the Deadpool character, turning him into a mutant resembling Baraka from Mortal Kombat, who has little in common with the comic book namesake. Probably the most egregious alteration was in taking the character, nicknamed The Merc with a Mouth, and then
sewing his Goddamn mouth shut. The result is a ridiculous reveal and an even more silly fight scene, which ends with Wolverine cutting his head off and basically invoking the ire of every comic book fan the world over. This is a perfect example of a comic book film made by people who know very little about comics, and don't give a damn about what their fan-base actually
wants. Hopefully the re-jigged Wolverine due out in around a month will be a significant improvement.