10 X-Men Characters That Deserve Their Own Movie

4. Longshot

longshot Longshot€™s origin is a weird one. Birthed in the bizarre and truly unique Mojoverse, Longshot is a mutant that can manipulate probability. Of course, that€™s a very convenient power to have, but Longshot was but a slave to the Spineless Ones, acting as an action star stuck in a twisted world obsessed with cheap entertainment. The Mojoverse was ruled by the grotesquely obese maniac Mojo, but it wasn't long until Longshot and a small army of slaves finally revolted. Longshot eventually escaped the clutches of the madman, and found himself on Earth. Soon enough, he became a member of the X-Men. Longshot has always had an odd design; 3 fingers and a thumb on each hand, an unnecessary glowing eye and one of the strongest blond mullets in comics. Since his redesign on X-Factor though, he€™s finally maintained a pretty neat appearance. Either way, Longshot€™s silly mutant ability and origin would be pretty entertaining to see on the big screen. A movie focusing on the Mojoverse could work, and incorporating a collection of reality game shows that parody real life could be a fun romp. However, let€™s have Rain Man but with mutants. Let€™s see Longshot try his luck in Las Vegas. Sure, it€™s an oddball choice for the list, but Longshot actually has a decent origin. It€™s totally bizarre, and his powers of luck would make for an interesting storyline. If it ever happens and Longshot does make an appearance in the X-Men cinematic universe, let€™s just hope that it is without the mullet.

Comic book store employee, writing about all the things I love: movies, comic books and wrasslin'. It's still real to me, damn it.