10 X-Men Who Should Be Introduced Into The MCU As "Villains"

7. The Morlocks

Professor X
Marvel Comics

Shunned for their physical differences, one or more of the Morlocks could be labeled threats to humanity simply because they are outcasts of society. Fear-mongering from a Senator Kelly-type character, coupled with accidental destruction/harm caused by a Morlock, will instantly draw the ire of an angry mob.

We've seen Caliban, Leech, Callisto, and Marrow on-screen — and while that doesn't mean they can't appear again — the MCU should give their group depth by including the likes of Masque, Healer, Ape, and Mikhail Rasputin.

What if, dare this writer say, this oddball team wins audiences over enough to warrant a stand-alone film?

Either way, the Morlocks are low hanging fruit for villainous introductions. Dwelling in the sewers of New York City, the public would immediately adopt a mob mentality if they discovered that another strange-looking group has invaded their city.

The Avengers would be none too happy about their presence either, especially if they run into a group of X-Men that are advocating for the Morlocks' right to live peacefully where they please.

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Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.