11 Actors Who Survived Career Suicide Twice

10. Paul Reubens

Everybody loves Pee-Wee Herman, despite the character being kind of annoying and the character made the career of actor Paul Reubens, with both the Pee-Wee TV series and movies being massively successful. However, when he was caught doing rude things in an adult cinema his career as a child-friendly entertainer went into free fall, and he was widely ridiculed for the incident. Repeats of Pee-Wee€™s Playhouse were cancelled, and he quietly retreated from public view. He eventually started accepting supporting roles again years later, and his acclaimed performance in Blow helped turn around perceptions of him. Reubens was in for a tough few years after 2002 when police searched his home for evidence he owned some indecent nude images. It was ultimately found he owed vintage erotica and had nothing illegal in his possession, but his career was again tarnished. He eventually worked his way back, and his comeback was sealed when he made a new Pee-Wee show. He€™s currently playing The Penguin€™s father on Gotham; reprising a role he first played in Batman Returns.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.