11 Actors Who've Performed Real-Life Rescues

11. Clint Eastwood Saves Man Who Was Choking To Death

Clint Eastwood eh? He's a legendary actor, director and producer. He's also a quick thinking first-aider who saved the life of a pro-golf tournament director last year. Eastwood performed the Heimlich Manoeuvre when he saw that Steve John was choking on a lump of cheese at the AT&T Pebble Beach event in California. Mr John said he couldn€™t breathe and 'it was as bad as it can get" when the Hollywood hero came to his rescue. Eastwood later told reporters that Mr John had a "look of panic people have when they see their life passing before their eyes". The octogenarian went on to explain: "I gave him three good jolts and that got it out. And then I made him drink a big glass of water with a bunch of lemon squeezed in it." Being able to carry out the manoeuvre was definitely good management rather than luck as it was a moment Eastwood had been preparing for. He was happy to tell the press that he had indeed tried the Heimlich before, on a 'practice' run.

Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph