11 Avengers: Endgame Moments That Will Mean Something In MCU Phase 4

10. Hinting At The Young Avengers

Harley Keener
Marvel Studios

One unexpectedly pervasive motif throughout Endgame was that it constantly hinted at the prospect of The Avengers being superseded by younger iterations of themselves.

For instance, Endgame's very first scene features Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) training his daughter Lila (Ava Russo) in the art of archery, and his upcoming Disney+ series is said to revolve around Kate Bishop, Hawkeye's protege from the comics, who was also a member of the Young Avengers.

While it's unlikely that we'll ever see the Young Avengers given a comic-accurate rendition in the MCU - with heroes like Hulking and Marvel Boy - Endgame does nod towards the possibility of a younger branch of the superhero supergroup.

In addition to Lila Barton and/or Kate Bishop, there's Cassie Lang (Emma Fuhrmann), who becomes the superhero Stature in the comics, and Tony Stark's old pal Harley Keener (Ty Simpkins), who appears at Stark's funeral and many have speculated could become Young Avengers founder Iron Lad in the future.

That's not to ignore Tony's daughter Morgan Stark, who while markedly different from her character in the comics, is nevertheless in a prime position to one day become a future Avenger.

With the Russos having shot a scene with an older Morgan (played by Katherine Langford) which was cut from the final film, they've already cast the part, so it's just a matter of figuring out how this would all fit together timeline-wise.

This would certainly provide some exciting possibilities for expansion in the MCU - something Kevin Feige said the next phase is all about - while introducing heroes firmly tethered to those who have just taken their curtain call.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.