11 Dumbest Things In The Worst Summer Movie Season Ever

2. All The Blatant Product Placement - Jurassic World, Ant-Man & Hitman: Agent 47

Product placement in summer blockbusters seemed to reach an apex this year, what with three major releases earning significant flak for their laughably un-subtle paid placements. Firstly, there's Jurassic World, which shot Claire's Mercedes like a car commercial and featured the infamous shot of Chris Pratt holding a glass Coke bottle close to the screen, while Ant-Man shilled ice cream chain Baskin-Robbins in a major way early on, even making a one-liner out of the brand's name. But worst of all, there's Hitman: Agent 47, which some critics quite literally described as a 96-minute Audi commercial, given how director Aleksander Bach chooses to close in on that precious Audi logo at every errant opportunity. Perhaps it shouldn't be a surprise given that Bach's spent most of his career directing car commercials, but even so, the Audi-flogging combined with the climactic set-piece featuring an extended placement for Comfort Delgro cabs makes this one close to unbearable...and that's without even discussing the rest of the movie. There's nothing inherently wrong with product placements, if they're subtlety weaved into the narrative and don't take precedent over actual storytelling, but so many movies this summer got it wrong.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.