11 EXHILARATING Scenes From Average Movies

1. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Duel Of The Fates

Spectre Day Of The Dead

Let's rip the band-aid off real quick and admit The Phantom Menace isn't precisely the roller-coaster thrill ride we remember from our childhoods. It pains any prequel fan (including me) to realise that the endless talk on trade-federations and Midi-chlorians are confusing and unnecessary.

While the Sequels still sustain heavy criticism, at least everyone in The Force Awakens looks like they're having a good time, while The Phantom Menace's performances are painstakingly flat.

That being said, The Duel of the Fates battle is one of the greatest lightsaber fights in the Skywalker saga, if not the best. The music is exceptional, the choreography exquisite, and the emotional beats are sorrowful. The differences between each fighting style are wonderfully represented, as the three force-wielders battle it out across hangers, bridges, and laser forcefields.

Darth Maul is an iconic villain, and it's no wonder he was brought back time and time again to cause problems for the Jedi and the Old Republic.

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.