11 EXHILARATING Scenes From Average Movies

9. The Foreigner - Airport Bomb Disposal

Spectre Day Of The Dead

The Foreigner stars Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan in a political thriller as a new IRA terrorist cell starts planting bombs in London. After Chan's daughter dies in one of their explosions, he seeks revenge by harassing former IRA member Brosnan, now turned politician as Northern Ireland's deputy First Minister, for the names of the bombers.

While the premise teases some political intrigue, and Brosnan and Chan both play significantly different roles than usual, The Foreigner doesn't quite rouse the suspense it aims for. Chan's involvement is woefully underused, which speaks volumes when the film's title literally refers to him and realising the tensest scene doesn't include Chan at all.

Let's provide some context: a member of the Authentic IRA has seduced a journalist and planted a bomb on his laptop. The police learn of this after a police raid on the Authentic IRA's hideout, mere minutes before the bomb is due to go off.

It's a nail-biting watch as police desperately try and find the journalist, acquire the bomb, and rush it through an incredibly crowded airport. It's shot perfectly so the departure boards show the seconds count down until detonation.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.