11 EXHILARATING Scenes From Average Movies

5. Troy - Achilles Vs. Hector

Spectre Day Of The Dead
Warner Bros.

Troy is an underwhelming cinematic retelling of Homer's epic The Iliad. Stripping away many of the dramatic events and fantasy elements of the original tale, the film becomes a paint-by-numbers war and romance plot.

It's an infuriating watch for any classicist, as the original epic is processed through the Hollywood blockbuster glitz and glam machine, dulled into another run-of-the-mill action. Homer was rolling in his grave until Troy gave Achilles and Hector's legendary fight the spotlight it deserved.

After Hector kills Achille's cousin, Patrolocus, Achilles seeks vengeance and challenges Hector to fight. Hector knows that he will probably die in this fight, yet still walks out Troy's walls to face the legendary fighter head-on. The flurry of sword strikes, spear thrusts, and artful dodges that follow are captivating and are a true testament to Troy's phenomenal fight choreography.

Achilles' white-hot anger is palpable throughout, as Hector struggles to keep up, battling not only for his life but for his burial rights. Unfortunately, he is no match for Achilles' unparalleled fighting prowess.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.