11 Giant Mistakes The DCEU Has Already Made

10. The Characterisation Of Superman

One of the reasons Christopher Reeve became the most iconic actor to play Superman is that he managed to embody the character €“ in both look and personality €“ without making him boring. Superman is a tricky character to pull off; he lacks any real edge and as he€™s practically invincible it€™s hard to worry about his safety. Yet Reeve managed to make a likeable, relatable character out of an all-powerful super being; something that Man Of Steel failed to do. Besides the fact that Henry Cavill doesn€™t have the same level of charm, his version of Superman is just kind dull. He has no personality or depth; he€™s just a square-jawed dude in a cape with a severe Jesus complex. He is brave and selfless €“ seen when he hands himself over to Zod and stops the World Engine €“ yet the film felt he needed more edginess. And thus he€™s reckless with his powers, as seen with the fights in Smallville and Metropolis, and the film felt the need to give an origin story for his no killing rule when he€™s forced to break Zod€™s neck. This should come from his innate sense of right and wrong, and not from contrived storytelling.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.