11 Hilariously Bad Death Scenes In Otherwise Awesome Movies

5. Wash (Alan Tudyk) - Serenity

Boba Fett Death

The Scene: After seemingly escaping a Reaver attack, pilot Wash (Tudyk) is fatally impaled by a harpoon.

Why It's Hilariously Bad: Joss Whedon was clearly going for shock value here, though he probably didn't count on the final scene playing out quite so funny.

From Wash's iconic "I am a leaf on the wind..." speech being interrupted by the harpoon to Wash's comical death rattle and how oddly both Mal (Nathan Fillion) and Wash's wife Zoe (Gina Torres) seem to under-react to his demise, the scene is basically a comedy of filmmaking and acting errors.

As such, the scene is extremely divisive among fans, some able to look past the dodgy execution while others can't get through the scene without tears of laughter streaming down their face.

As well as Whedon usually juggles moods, this might be the most tone-deaf scene he's ever filmed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.