11 Hilariously Bad Death Scenes In Otherwise Awesome Movies
4. Sam Wheat (Patrick Swayze) - Ghost
The Scene: Sam Wheat (Swayze) and his girlfriend Molly Jensen (Demi Moore) are the victims of a mugging, and after Sam chases the thief away, he returns to find Molly cradling his bloodied corpse.
Why It's Hilariously Bad: Execution goes a long way, and while this might've passed muster in 1990, to modern eyes it plays pretty horribly.
Where to begin? Firstly, there's the hilarity of Molly telling a clearly dead Sam "You're going to be OK", Patrick Swayze's constipated facial expressions as he witnesses his own death, and the awful cheeseball visual effects when Ghost Sam attempts to interact with his own corpse.
What's meant to be a highly disturbing scene instead turns comical due to overacting from both Moore and Swayze alongside off-kilter writing and direction.
The rest of the movie is pretty dope, though.