11 Huge Issues That Might Ruin The DC Cinematic Universe
9. Trying To Do Too Much Too Soon
It really does feel like, having seen the success of the MCU, DC are keen to get the ball rolling a little too quickly, and may end up rushing themselves into mediocrity. Sure, they've taken their time developing Batman v Superman, but with Justice League Part One following the very next year, it feels like Zack Snyder and co. may have bitten off more than they can chew for the time being. Batman v Superman, with appearances from Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Cyborg, is going to basically be a prelude, a sales pitch for Justice League, whereas Marvel's more patient approach doled out five prelude films interconnected before The Avengers. Instead here, DC released one movie in 2013, are waiting three years to release the next one, followed by a tangential film which will likely have nothing to do with Justice League (Suicide Squad), followed by a spin-off film of a character already introduced in Batman v Superman (Wonder Woman), and then, finally, the big one itself: Justice League. It just doesn't seem that assured or organised, and rather than get everything in place for an eventual huge payday, it feels like Warner might blow their wad too soon with Batman v Superman and fail to reproduce this glory later on. Time will tell...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.