11 Huge Issues That Might Ruin The DC Cinematic Universe

6. Inevitable Comparisons To The Marvel Cinematic Universe & Dark Knight Trilogy

As is apparent from this article itself, it's tough not to compare what Warner are doing to the immense success Marvel Studios has already had in constructing their superb Marvel Cinematic Universe. With ten movies grossing $7.1 billion over the last seven years, they have essentially built the template for a filmmaking universe that Warner are very much keen to replicate. However, given the consistent acclaim of even the lesser Marvel films, the DCCU is going to struggle by comparison, because if it makes just one screw up (and according to many, it already has with MoS), then it's going to be judged harshly as inferior to the MCU. This is without even mentioning the further complication of the Batman problem. Christopher Nolan did such a splendid job reinventing Batman that any future portrayal of the character is going to be judged extremely harshly by fans, as there's a solid chance it won't be able to live up to the excellence of those movies.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.