11 Huge Issues That Might Ruin The DC Cinematic Universe
4. It Already Takes Itself Too Seriously
When you think of the MCU, what do you think of? Fun, right? The best movies in the MCU are, above all else, tremendously enjoyable experiences, and they don't waste too much screen time on sombre emotions and gloominess. While that sort of tone works for a character as inherently dark as, say, Batman, even Christopher Nolan's films were still flecked with knowing humour that helped lighten the load a little. Man of Steel was, aside from the occasional cringe-worthy joke ("I think he's kinda hot"), pretty humourless, and suggests the tone that will be cutting throughout the entire DCCU. This isn't really a luxury the filmmakers have when they're dealing with characters as inherently silly as Aquaman, and it would really be in everyone's best interests to lighten the tone a little: the overall tenor won't seem so joyless, and Warner will probably make more money as a result. However, a sharp tonal left-turn would be pretty jarring also, so if they do ease up on the grimdark, it needs to be a little more gradual.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.