11 Huge Screw-Ups From The 94th Oscar Film Nominations

8. Being The Ricardos Gets Three Acting Nods

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Nominated For: Best Actress (Nicole Kidman), Best Actor (Javier Bardem) and Best Supporting Actor (JK Simmons).

Being the Ricardos might just be the weakest film Aaron Sorkin has ever written. It's entertaining at times and is well-acted, but it's a mess of under-developed subplots with virtually no narrative stakes, while Aaron Sorkin's trademark snappy dialogue is disappointingly absent throughout.

Therefore, it was such a huge relief that it didn't get nominations in many categories - it being a Best Picture nominee looked worryingly plausible for a while - but it still got three nominations that it didn't deserve.

It must be said immediately: Kidman, Bardem and Simmons are three amazing actors and all three of them are legitimately very good in this movie, but were they top-five contenders? Not quite.

There were many better choices in all three categories. As hilarious as JK Simmons was in Being the Ricardos, he certainly wasn't as deserving (for example) as Jason Isaacs in Mass or, going for a left-field choice, Willem Dafoe in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

There were many better contenders for Best Actress (more on that shortly) and Javier Bardem's performance certainly sticks out as the least deserving in an otherwise terrific field. The Academy could've fixed one of the biggest snubs of the nominations by swapping Bardem out with a certain other actor...


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.