11 Insane Upcoming Movies You Won't Believe Are Real

1. A Soviet Biopic Filmed In A Fully Operational Fake Town (Dau)

Dau 2018
Phenomen Films

Nicknamed "Apocalypse Dau" by the press, Ilya Khrzhanovsky's enigmatic drama is apparently a biopic of Soviet physicist Lev Landau, though concrete information is tough to come by.

Dau was filmed between 2008 and 2011, resulting in 700 hours of 35mm footage which will create not only a movie, but also "TV series and a slate of science and art documentaries, as well as a trans-media project."

The majority of the film was shot at a purpose-built, 12,000 square-foot set called The Institute, which was intended to replicate a fully-functioning Soviet Institute from the mid-20th century.

The line between fact and fiction became blurred enough that some of the several-hundred actors decided to stay on set 24 hours a day, while Khrzhanovsky fined performers for bringing their phones to set or attempting to access the outside world.

The director has been called a "cult leader" by some, and with a feature film still failing to surface seven years after shooting finished, it's easy to see why his motives are being questioned. Whatever becomes of it, it's going to be like nothing else out there.

What do you make of these utterly insane upcoming movies? Shout it out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.