11 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films The Fans Would Love (That Will Never Happen)

5. The Masters Of Evil

With all of the existing villains at large or incarcerated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, several confirmed to come and a near endless supply to choose from in the comic books, there are potentially countless ways in which a Masters of Evil team could be put together on the big screen. A coming together of villains, in the same way that the Avengers have been put together, would be absolutely fantastic and the fans of the franchise would go wild for it, but villain movies just aren't the done thing so actually finding the screen time to feasibly see the villains uniting to form such a team would prove difficult in that sense. Essentially, as much as the fans dream of such a team being put together, it's simply never going to happen. The team against team scenes could have been amazing as well.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.