11 Marvel Cinematic Universe Films The Fans Would Love (That Will Never Happen)

3. The Illuminati

The Illuminati are a group of comic book superheroes who joined forces and secretly work behind the scenes in Marvel's comics. The group consists of elite individuals that include the existing Marvel Cinematic Universe character Iron Man, upcoming live action hero Doctor strange and other characters who could appear like Black Panther and Black Bolt. A movie featuring a group of such high-standing and secretive superheroes would be a step-up from anything we've seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date, as they discussed and planned against the high-end threats that even the likes of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers are unaware are coming. It would certainly make for intriguing watching and the coming together of so many awesome characters would be great, but the fact that too many of the essential characters are unavailable to Marvel Studios - like Mister Fantastic, Charles Xavier, Beast and even Namor (who, admittedly, wouldn't be hard to acquire from Universal) - make this movie impossible.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.