11 Most Disappointing Movies From Summer 2017

10. The Dark Tower

the dark tower

The Buzz: The long-gestating, loose adaptation of Stephen King's legendary novel series made its way to the big screen from acclaimed Danish filmmaker Nikolaj Arcel (A Royal Affair), and happened to star Idris Elba as the Gunslinger and Matthew McConaughey as The Man in Black.

Simply, it had extremely talented artists adapting one of King's most beloved works, so naturally fans were excited that this might be one of the better King movies.

What We Got: A colossally disappointing attempt to turn The Dark Tower into a naff young adult franchise, which was clearly hacked to pieces in post-production, resulting in a shapeless, messy and wildly uneven end product.

The pacing and tone were all over the place, and though Elba, McConaughey and young Tom Taylor tried their hardest, they were largely helpless against the weirdly generic action and plot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.