11 Most Disappointing Movies From Summer 2017

9. All Eyez On Me

All Eyez On Me
Summit Entertainment

The Buzz: A Tupac Shakur biopic was always going to spark a lot of interest, especially after Straight Outta Compton captured the cultural zeitgeist so well back in 2015. Plus, Demetrius Shipp Jr.'s resemblance to Shakur is just uncanny, and the marketing suggested an intense, angry drama that fully realised the iconic rapper's life and death.

What We Got: A sloppily assembled, agonisingly overlong drama that oddly failed to make the most of Shakur's fascinating story, suffering from hilariously bad writing and atrocious editing. Though Shipp Jr. did commendable work in the lead role, he deserved a much, much better film.

If there's anything a Tupac biopic shouldn't do, it's play things safe, but that's exactly what it did.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.