11 Most Disappointing Post-Credits Scenes Ever

9. Into The Venom-Verse - Venom

Imagine you go see a dark, weird, silly movie. It's about a monster scaring a dude and then hugging him. It's about aliens fighting for their planet. It's possibly the most gay friendly superhero movie. It's also as edgy as Linkin Park's eyeliner.

After the film is over, the planet saved, and an entire man's head eaten, we get to see Woody Harrelson in a bad wig, which is fun, but it's not the post-credit scene. So we all wait, having been just introduced to a serial killer who murders endless amounts of people. (His name is Carnage folks, he keeps his symbiote in his blood. He's 90s hardcore.)

But after the credits and the Eminem song, there's a trailer for a cartoon. For Into the Spider-Verse, which is a hard switch since it's animated, but also it's in another universe, and it's just a random scene in the middle of the film.

No matter how amazing the film ended up being, it's distracting, weird, and comes out of nowhere. For people hoping for more silly symbiote action, this scene was like a weird snowball in the face.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.