11 Most Exciting Captain America: Civil War Rumours

6. Ant-Man Will Break Black Widow Out Of Captivity

It is believed that Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow will be captured in Captain America: Civil War - perhaps by HYDRA, perhaps by S.H.I.E.L.D. due to her being on Captain America's anti-registration side - and there is an interesting rumour that she will be broken out by Paul Rudd's Ant-Man. With Ant-Man expected to either be a neutral observer or - if he does choose a team - a member of Tony Stark's pro-registration group, this rumour might seem a little odd. However, when all is said and done, they're both heroes and Scott Lang wouldn't want to see Natasha Romanoff in jeopardy - particularly if it is HYDRA who have her imprisoned. The scene could potentially be fantastic, with Lang using his Ant-Man powers to sneak into the place Black Widow is being kept imprisoned, taking out a load of guards, getting into her cell, then growing to full size and telling her he's getting her the hell out of there.

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