11 Most Horribly Disappointing Movie Supervillain Reveals
3. The Architect (The Matrix Reloaded)
After we were all blown away by The Matrix, the Wachowskis had a lot to live up to with their sequel, The Matrix Reloaded. Few will argue that it didn't deliver on the action front, though the last half-hour of the movie leaves a lot to be desired. Neo ends up being taken to meet the Architect, the "father" of The Matrix, and rather than discuss the nature of the construct, the Architect ends up reeling off a pompous, snooze-inducing monologue which isn't so much clever as absurdly self-satisfied.
It's not as though this scene required Neo to have a fight with the old guy, but this conversation should have been fraught with tension and intellectually engaging ideas, when instead it fell mostly flat, aside from the idea that Neo would have to choose between Trinity and the human race. It also didn't really help that the Architect has such an uncanny resemblance to KFC's Colonel Sanders, either...