11 Movie Cliffhangers That Were Ignored In The Sequel

5. Jason Lives Ignore A New Beginning Altogether

Like the title indicated Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter was meant to be the last one, only for its success to spur another sequel. With Jason being thoroughly hacked up in the previous movie, the producers decided bravely (or foolishly) to make A New Beginning a murder mystery, which followed Jason€™s killer Tommy Jarvis as he€™s stalked by someone who may or may not be Jason. Turns out the killer was just a copycat, but the ending implies the events of the film pushed Tommy over the edge, and the final shot sees him don the hockey mask and about to attack the film€™s final girl. This twist was supposed to set up Tommy as the franchise€™s new killer, but since audiences roundly hated the film - feeling it was way too sleazy and mean-spirited €“ and missed Jason, this idea was quickly scrapped. Instead part six opens on Tommy digging up Jason€™s corpse, only to accidentally bring him back to life. No mention is made of the events of A New Beginning or Tommy going crazy, and subsequent films pretty much ignore it.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.