11 Movies That Would Make Great Theme Park Attractions

2. The Avengers

Avengers There are many rides and attractions around the world that are currently themed around superheroes. Marvel Superhero Island at Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida has a Hulk rollercoaster, a drop ride themed around Doctor Doom and a 3D adventure featuring Spider-Man, for example. There are also a number of Batman themed rides in various theme parks across the globe and a full-on Marvel-themed park is currently being built in Dubai. However, I think that, given the success of the Avengers movie, if the cast of the movie were willing it would be absolutely amazing to have them record scenes and sound clips for a 3D motion simulator akin to Islands of Adventure's Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man. Guests could queue up in a set made to look like New York City before joining the Avengers aboard a vehicle of some sort, before being attacked by a number of foes (nameless aliens like the hordes of Chitauri in the movie would suffice) and watching their heroes fend them off while being propelled around a fixed track complete with special effects, props and even live actors in the form of park staff playing extras (maybe the aliens, in some instances). It would be amazing and if there's one genre of movie that would guarantee the success of a theme park attraction in the modern day it's the superhero movie - and none are more popular than the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Avengers. Get it done, theme park bigwigs!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.