11 Movies That Would Make Great Theme Park Attractions

9. Pacific Rim

Pacific_Rim_38471 I can't begin to imagine how awesome this could be. It would have to be entirely simulated, but a 3D element to the ride would add realism to it. The queue could be in one of the Pacific Rim government buildings, with footage of Kaiju attacks playing on screens around the guests. Once the actual ride process begins, guests could be taken in to a faux recruitment room, in which they could be briefed about a mission to stop a new, gigantic Kaiju that has emerged from the depths of the ocean. Guests could then enter booths, in pairs (like in the movie), that are themed to look like the inside of a Jaeger control box and, as they are seated, the process of merging their minds could initiate. At that point, the simulation begins, with screens inside the booth simulating the outside world and a fight with a Kaiju could ensue. It would be action-packed, thrilling and terrifying and would make for one hell of an attraction.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.