11 People Who Got Paid Insane Money For NOT Making A Movie

9. Marlon Wayans - Batman Returns/Forever

Fans will know by now that Robin was slated to appear in Batman Returns, only for Tim Burton to decide the movie had too many characters. Marlon Wayans was cast in the part and even attended costume tests, only for the character to be abruptly dropped from the movie. Wayans was still paid his fee and since he€™d already signed for the next movie, he fully expected to be brought back. When Burton left and Joel Schumacher came in he decided to recast, and human rice cake Chris O€™Donnell took the role. Again Wayan€™s got paid and says he still gets the residual cheques for Returns and Forever, despite not making an appearance in either movie. Nice work if you can get it. To date no images of Wayans in his costume have emerged, with only a piece of concept art hinting at what his Robin outfit would have looked like.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.