11 Reasons Joss Whedon Can't Save Justice League Alone

2. The Marketing Strategy Is Important

Justice League Alfred meets Superman
Warner Bros.

Actually shooting and editing a film for release is unfortunately just one part of the recipe for a successful movie, and a lot of Justice League's success will surely be determined by its marketing.

Remember how irate everyone was when Batman v Superman's trailers needlessly spoiled the presence of Doomsday and Wonder Woman's surprise arrival? Though it would be foolish to suggest a direct link between this and the movie disappointing at the box office, the over-eager marketing nevertheless had many fans pretty sour before they even set foot in the cinema.

Justice League's promotion so far has certainly been better, focusing on the shift to a lighter tone and the team-building aspect...but fans are naturally nervous that Warner Bros. won't be able to resist revealing Superman's return in one of the upcoming trailers ahead of release.

Ideally, Superman won't be seen in the trailers at all, and to be honest, already showing Alfred possibly meeting up with the Man of Steel is enough of a hint.

If Warner Bros. gives it away for free, they're going to be actively working against the stunning reveal Snyder and Whedon have no doubt both been working towards creating.

Sadly production and marketing arms are often entirely independent, so don't be shocked if there's some major disconnect here over the next few months.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.